The Project Group

We are students at Lund University of Technology and members of the Guild of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology's Carreer Fair Committee during the 2024 financial year. Together we are organizing KULA 2025, which is aimed at students and companies working in the field of chemical engineering and biotechnology. Click on the names to contact us personally via LinkedIn.

We are students at Lund University of Technology and members of the Guild of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology's Carreer Fair Committee during the 2024 financial year. Together we are organizing KULA 2025, which is aimed at students and companies working in the field of chemical engineering and biotechnology. Click on the names to contact us personally via LinkedIn.

Lycke Rosenblad

Head of the Career Fair Committee

Vilma Norman

Logistics manager

Matilda Borga

Marketing manager

Nina Diederich

Career Fair Contact

Patrik Hains

Career Fair Contact

Thea Kindblom

Career Fair Contact

Sofia Lindström

Career Fair Contact

Anna Magnone

Career Fair Contact

Career Fair Contact